About Us
How Heavenly Father brought our family for HIS service. I was in job. One day we had seen all around us black magic was done, we got different different black magic things at home and in parking etc. etc. We are unable to understand. After few days I had seen powerful black magic thing in my drawing room. I checked all about it over internet, the findings was really it's a black magic work upon my family. From here down fall begins. Completely my job, earning was fully stucked. I was unable to understand. Ultimately I started selling all house hold goods to pay rent, for daily expenses etc. After long back I checked my email, I had seen voice mails of USA based Prophet. He clearly told me over voice mail, that what is happening with me and what is going to happen. He regularly seriously warnes me that few of your relatives want to destroy you, your family and house hold goods etc. Becareful, regularly he started sending voice mails to me, all he said was perfectly happening. Really relatives want to completely destroy me. I deeply noted nothing is in my control. I am in worry, sorrow, tension what to do. Suddenly one day outside the main door at evening hour my son saw two white pigons was sitting, my son asked me to take photos of them. I captured both pigions in camera. By 11.30 pm approx, someone stared controlling me, I connected camera with tablet and TV, amazing to say I had seen two angles insted of two pigons in captured photos. All Praise Goes to Heavenly Father. One angle was on white horse with golden hair, Another angles hair was also in golden color and he was in the shape of big pigon. Soon after automatically I started taking photos of walls, all-around the internal surroundings of house I had seen lights blinking all around. I got some confidence after watching all it live. All Praise Goes to Lord. First voice Lord given me was "DO NOT PROUD". Really after such experiance I was planning to go for Bible Collage for short Bible Training but second day I listened second voice "I WILL GIVE MY WORDS TO YOU". As a result from second day onwards daily by 11 pm to 4 am Heavenly Father started teaching me and I have to take notes also. "A POWERFUL TRAINING AND COMPLETE PRACTICAL ORIENTAION by Heavenly Father. Really I was thinking lot of blessed Shepherds, Pastors, and Beliver's are there, what will be my value among them. Who will believe me, who will listen me on the same movement Heavenly Father gave me HIS third Holy word to me that " II WILL ANSWER ALL YOUR QUESTIONS'. After this promise of Heavenly Fathers with me, HE filled HIS confidence in me and HE never allowed me to turn back All Praise Goes to Lord. Heavenly Father started giving Live training to me. On each and every subject matter Heavenly Father taken three months for Practical Live Training, and it's on going process. Heavenly Father Prepared me, Blessed me, Authorised me, Anointed me and as per HIS promise HE assigns me HIS Heavenly Work directly. Whatever I talk to human beings per day much more than I listen the voice of my Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father kept entire control of my Brain, Heart and Soul in HIS Holy hands. We surrendered our family and functioning of house also to Heavenly Father to function according to HIS Will. HE instructs me and I have to follow. All Praise Goes to Heavenly Father. It's great to say, before opening HIS Holy Hands for me, HE took a promise from me and my family that you will function your Ministry and your House through out what I will give you by this Ministry only. Apart from this you will not go for any other source of earning, we accepted and said Yes to Heavenly Father. Two time He took promise from me and family. We accepted and said Yes to Heavenly Father. We can't understand the workplans of our Heavenly Father. All Praise Goes to Heavenly Father. Continud..

Submit Your Prayer Request
The Bible says in Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." God takes joy in fulfilling the desires of His children when we seek Him with sincerity and truth. When you submit your prayer request, it is sent directly to the Prophet Richard Ministry Team. If you choose, it can also be shared on our prayer wall, where believers around the world will join in agreement with you in prayer.
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